B2B Database

Images, videos and promotional material for your brand

Welcome to our resource hub! We’ve compiled a collection of videos, promotional material, and product pictures to support your brand's marketing efforts. We also included a comprehensive list of our entire product collection with descriptions, compositions, SKU codes, and barcodes. Feel free to explore and utilize these assets to enhance your campaigns.

Click here for the Google Drive folder

Don't forget to tag us when you use our materials. We love to see how you're showcasing our products!

Thank you for partnering with us.

If you're not very familiar with using Google Drive or would like some additional guidance, we've provided a brief explanation below to help you get started.

How to Access and Use the Google Drive Database

1. Navigate the Database

  • Access the Files: Once you clicked the link above, you will find a shared folder containing our database. Click on the folder to view its contents.
  • Folder Structure: The folder is organized into subfolders like "Size Charts," "Product Pictures," "Videos," and "Promotional Material." Simply click on any folder to open it.

3. Viewing Files

  • Grid View vs. List View: By default, you might see files in a list with document names. To change this to a grid view with thumbnails:
  • Look at the top right corner and you'll see a pill-shaped button with on the left three lines below each other and on the right side a square with 4 small squares.
  • If you'd like to see miniature pictures, you should click on the small squares.

4. Downloading Files

  • Download Individual Files: Right-click on any file or picture and select “Download” to save it to your device.
  • Download Multiple Files: To download multiple files at once, hold down the "Ctrl" key (or "Cmd" on Mac) and click on each file you want. Then right-click and select “Download.”

5. Search for Specific Items

  • Using the Search Bar: Use the search bar at the top of Google Drive to quickly find specific files by name, SKU code, or keyword. Most pictures are sorted with their SKU codes.
  • If you can't find the item you're looking for, check the Excel file and find the matching SKU code for the product title.

6. Viewing and Using the Comprehensive Product List

  • Product List: Open the document titled “UNTAG SKU code list” to view our entire collection with detailed descriptions, compositions, SKU codes, and barcodes.
  • Search Within Document: Use "Ctrl+F" (or "Cmd+F" on Mac) to search within the document for specific products or codes.

7. Sharing and Collaborating

  • Sharing Files: If you need to share specific files with your team, right-click on the file and select "Share." You can then enter email addresses to send the file directly.
  • Collaborating: Your team can also leave comments on shared files, making it easier to collaborate on promotional materials or product selections.

Need Help?

If you encounter any issues or have questions about navigating the database, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We’re here to assist you!